Behold The Mighty TradeYaLater®!
Webmaster A  Fri Jan 31, 2003 9:46 am

Here's the last major update to the website for a while...
The TradeYaLater® allows you to build proposed trades and see their points and salary effects calculated on the fly. You can then save any trades you work on so that as the days pass you can see how the point differences change (this is the "Later" in TradeYaLater®). It also links to your email (just like the message board) so that you can send proposals to your fellow GM's then finally submit agreed-upon trades to the Commissioner.
Here's a quick tutorial on its care and feeding:
  - Go to the transactions page then click on 'New Trade'.
  - You should see a new window pop up named TradeYaLater®.  If you've set your 'My Team' in the home page (and if you haven't, you'll need to for this), your team's roster should appear on the left.  If the columns in your team roster don't line up, this is the browser's fault - close the window and click on 'New Trade' again and it should look OK.
  - Select the team you want to trade with, then choose the players you want in the trade.  Marvel at how the trade statistics automatically update as you make changes.  Marvel again to make sure.
  - To save the trade, click the OK button.
  - Your transaction list should automatically update to include your work in progress (they will appear in alternate shades of yellow).  You'll notice that to the left of the list you can now choose whether to include, exclude, or show only your work in progress.
  - If you want to make changes to the trade, click on its date.  Note that you can do the same for transactions that have already been completed, but obviously you can't change them.
  - Note that the TradeYaLater® window has a Delete button in case you want to get rid of the trade.
  - The Propose button will build an email message that you can send to the person you want to trade with (after making a few validity checks on the trade).  You can safely ignore the 'with help' checkbox if you didn't use it when posting to the message board.
  - Once the two of you have agreed on the terms of the trade, you can use the Submit button to alert the Commissioner of the trade (although you can still do it the old-fashioned way if you prefer).
The trades are saved in a cookie in your PC's browser (the same way that the browser remembers your 'My Team'.  That means:
  1) You'll have to re-enter them if you want to see them on another PC
  2) I can't see them (honest)
The TradeYaLater® has a retarded cousin called the DropAddYaLater® - it does the same sorts of things for drop/adds.
I await your comments/suggestions/complaints/adulation...

  re: Behold The Mighty TradeYaLater®!
Dewar's or DIE!  Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:29 am

I love it

  re: Behold The Mighty TradeYaLater®!
Webmaster A  Fri Jan 31, 2003 3:16 pm

Thanks, Dave

  re: Behold The Mighty TradeYaLater®!
Shaggamuffins  Sun Feb 2, 2003 11:47 am

Wow! The best innovation since the daily automatic update. Fantastic.
